How to Build an Efficient Facebook and Google Ad Strategy that Converts

E-commerce Marketing Automation
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Published on
30 Oct 2023
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Published on
30 Oct 2023
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How to Build an Efficient Facebook and Google Ad Strategy

Imagine you're an entrepreneur running an E-commerce business, and you've painstakingly prepared your website, hoping that it will drive customers to your virtual storefront. However, the harsh reality is that you're not alone in this endeavour. You're in a race against thousands of other players, all vying for the attention of the same pool of potential customers.

It doesn't matter how groundbreaking a product you have developed; it won't sell itself until you get out there and market it. And what other places can be more beneficial for E-commerce ads than platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Google? 

So, you've made the wise decision to run digital ads. 

The pivotal question here is, "WHERE?" 

The choice of the right platform is paramount.

Which platform should I prefer for digital market

Which Platform Should I Prefer for Digital Marketing?

Google ad strategies are the ads that appear at the top of search engines when your target audience searches for information. There are six ways in which you can easily manage your Google ad strategy. All you need to do is remember and follow the below points while proceeding further with the Google ads:

For products that often appeal to impulse buyers, directing a significant portion of your marketing budget toward Facebook and its subsidiary, Instagram, can yield fruitful results. On the other hand, if your product requires more intent and consideration before purchase, allocating a reasonable percentage of your marketing budget to Google, with its search-driven user base, might be a strategic move.

If you're relatively new to E-commerce or haven't yet achieved your first 100 sales, Facebook is your ideal starting point for your digital marketing journey. Its vast user base and sophisticated targeting options make it an excellent platform to build your brand and attract potential customers.

An Introduction to Google's Ad Strategy

  • Set your goals and the market you want to target.

  • Choose appropriate keywords.

  • Opt for the right campaign.

  • Create unique ads.

  • Link Search Console with Google Ads

  • Always record and optimize your campaigns in Google Ads

Let's say you have made a choice and have begun promoting your products using digital advertisements on platforms that are suitable for your products. Now, the question arises, 

"Is your digital marketing campaign able to generate enough sales?" 

To answer this, consider five key levers:

Set Smart Campaign Goals

Set Smart Campaign Goals

Without well-defined objectives, it's challenging to measure progress and ensure that your efforts are aligned with your business goals. Here's a breakdown of what SMART goals are and how to set them for your campaign:


Start by making your goals specific. Clearly define what you want to achieve. Instead of a vague notion of improving marketing performance, specify your objective. For instance, "I want to increase website traffic by 20% within the next three months."


Measurable goals are crucial for tracking progress and evaluating success. You should be able to quantify your goals and use key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure your achievements. For example, rather than aiming to "boost social media engagement," state, "I want to gain 1,000 new followers on Instagram within two months."


Ensure that your goals are realistic and attainable. Consider your resources, budget, and constraints when setting objectives. Setting unrealistic goals can lead to frustration and disappointment. For instance, expecting a 5000% return on investment from a small ad spend is not achievable.


Make sure your goals align with your overall business objectives. Ask yourself why achieving these goals is relevant to your brand. For instance, if you're running a campaign to increase email subscribers, consider how this goal will benefit your business in the long run, such as by improving your sales funnel.


Set a clear deadline for your goals. Having a timeframe creates a sense of urgency and accountability. Rather than saying, "I want to grow my blog readership," specify, "I aim to increase blog readership by 25% in the next quarter."

To illustrate a SMART goal for your campaign, you might state it like this:

"This campaign will achieve a 15% increase in online sales within the next three months because it's crucial for our revenue growth. We believe this goal is achievable based on our historical data and increased advertising budget. We will evaluate our success by tracking the number of completed online purchases."

Once you have your SMART goals in place, you can craft a well-informed digital marketing strategy that directly supports these objectives. SMART goals provide a clear roadmap for your campaign, helping you stay on track, measure your progress, and ultimately achieve the results you desire.

Determine your target audience

Your audience is the core of your success! The audience you choose to target can either be the catalyst that propels you toward your goals or the stumbling block that hinders your progress. Without a clear understanding of who you are speaking to, your message risks falling on deaf ears.

To navigate this intricate landscape, you must delve into the psyches of your prospective consumers and answer a series of pivotal questions.

Who is the intended recipient of your campaign? 
What drives them?

Where do they congregate in the digital realm—whether it's Facebook, Google, or elsewhere?

What defining characteristics unite them, such as age, gender, income, interests, values, and more?

What is their current level of familiarity with your brand?

What triggers their purchasing decisions and conversions?

The answers to these questions will serve as the bedrock upon which your marketing strategy can be built. Beyond the basics of social listening, these insights will offer you a profound exploration of consumer behaviour, ensuring that your digital marketing campaigns speak directly to the hearts and minds of those who matter most.

Pro Tip- Unlocking these audience nuances is not a mystical process; it's a data-driven endeavour. Automation advertising tools like Kartapult provide a comprehensive understanding of your ideal customers.

Maximizing Product Visibility

Maximizing Product Visibility

Attracting the right audience is just the first step. The true challenge lies in ensuring that these engaged prospects not only click on your ads but also explore more of your product offerings. There are a significant number of users who click on your ads but never land on your website. This disparity, often seen as a difference between link clicks and landing page views in Facebook Ads Manager, can be attributed to various factors, including accidental clicks or changes of mind. This gap, however, represents a missed opportunity to engage potential customers.

Mobile Load Times Matter

Mobile users comprise a substantial portion of online traffic, and the difference between link clicks and landing page views can sometimes rise to 40% to 50%. In essence, this means that a significant chunk of your ad spend is potentially wasted due to slow loading speeds on mobile devices. Thus, optimizing your website's mobile performance is paramount.

Focus on Product Pages

Once you've ensured that your audience lands on your website, the next critical step is to direct them to the pages most likely to convert them into customers. The product page, in this context, emerges as the optimal landing destination. It reduces the number of clicks a prospect needs to make a purchase, streamlining the customer journey.

Upsell with Related Products

To further enhance the number of products your prospects see, it's essential to display related or recommended products on your product pages. This strategic approach not only increases the chances of cross-selling but also ensures that your audience is exposed to a wider array of products, enhancing their overall experience.

Streamlined Conversion with Single-Product Focu

Credit: Amazon

Streamlined Conversion with Single-Product Focus

While the temptation to land prospects on category pages is understandable, it can also introduce unnecessary complexity and potential drop-offs. The key principle to remember is that fewer clicks often translate into higher conversion rates. With Kartapult, you can create single creative ads, carousel ads, or video ads focusing on a single product, increasing the likelihood of conversion over ads showcasing multiple products at once, which could lead to landing on the homepage.

Get Your Ad Copy Right

Marketers often invest considerable effort in understanding and targeting their audiences, but sometimes they overlook the "cherry on top"—the ad copy. This crucial element can make or break the number of clicks your ads receive, as it's not just about reaching the right audience; it's about conveying the right message to the right audience. Kartapult, with its innovative ChatGPT-powered Ad Copy Generator, serves as the catalyst to ensure that your ad copy resonates with your target audience, driving higher engagement and conversion.

Get Your Ad Copy Right

Apply The Power of Product-Specific Ads

Promoting ads that lead directly to specific product pages on your website is a game-changer. This approach ensures that prospects land on the exact destination that piqued their interest, reducing drop-offs commonly associated with ads that direct users to category or home pages.

Use Clear and Compelling CTAs

A clear Call to Action (CTA) like "Shop Now" is vital for establishing user intent. It ensures that those who click are genuinely interested in making a purchase. Ambiguous CTAs like "Learn More" or "Contact Us" don't convey the same intent, potentially leading to less qualified traffic.

Provide Transparency with Pricing

By displaying product prices in your ads, you filter out those who aren't willing to pay the stated amount, reducing irrelevant clicks and improving your remarketing efforts. Ensure seamless, real-time price synchronization in your ads, eliminating discrepancies.

Provide Transparency with Pricing

Leverage Facebook Features

Harnesses the power of Facebook's features for optimal results. Utilizing lookalikes of customers rather than website visitors helps you target audiences with higher intent and purchasing potential. With Kartapult, you get additional features to enhance your campaign ads with retargeting and retention cohorts. Optimizing ads for purchases, as opposed to website views or add-to-carts, refines Facebook's algorithm to attract the right audience and minimize drop-offs.

Focus on Metrics that Align with Your Objectives

Harnesses the power of Facebook's features for optimal results. Utilizing lookalikes of customers rather than website visitors helps you target audiences with higher intent and purchasing potential. With Kartapult, you get additional features to enhance your campaign ads with retargeting and retention cohorts. Optimizing ads for purchases, as opposed to website views or add-to-carts, refines Facebook's algorithm to attract the right audience and minimize drop-offs.

Focus on Metrics that Align with Your Objectives

Page Views - Gauge Content Engagement

Page views are a valuable metric for evaluating the quality of your website's content. Visitors who view multiple pages during their session could indicate good lead quality. It helps you determine if users find value in your entire website or just specific sections.

Conversion Rate - Measure Desired Actions

The conversion rate is a pivotal KPI, reflecting the specific actions users take on your website, from purchasing to signing up for a newsletter. A high conversion rate is a hallmark of a successful marketing campaign, signifying that more users are taking the desired action

Social Reach and Impressions - Assess Outreach

Social reach reveals how far your posts travel and how many people see your content. Impressions, on the other hand, indicate the number of times your campaign is viewed. These metrics are essential for assessing your campaign's outreach.

Engagement - Understand Audience Sentiment

Engagement metrics, including likes, shares, comments, Retweets, and clicks, provide insights into how your audience perceives your social media posts. These metrics, often referred to as vanity metrics, offer a window into audience sentiment.

Cost-Effective Metrics - Track Expenses

Cost per Click (CPC) is essential in Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns, tracking the expense per click on your ad. A lower CPC stretches your advertising budget further.

Cost Per Lead, Conversion, and Acquisition - Understand Efficiency

Not all clicks result in leads or conversions. Analyzing Cost Per Lead (CPL), Cost Per Conversion, and Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) helps you understand the efficiency of your campaigns in converting users into customers.

ROI and ROAS - Measure Campaign Success

Return on Investment (ROI) and Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) are paramount KPIs applicable across various digital marketing campaigns. They provide a holistic view of campaign success and are crucial for evaluating Google Adwords, social media marketing, and email marketing efforts. Rather than wasting your time preparing reports, you can instantly download the ROAS analysis report with Kartapult, which will give you enough time to focus on strategically planning how to increase it.

Unlock Insight with Kartapult

Kartapult's capabilities extend beyond traditional analytics, offering you a comprehensive view of your digital marketing landscape. With real-time visibility into campaign performance, you can see exactly where you're hitting the mark and where adjustments are needed. In a world where every click, like, or share counts, Kartapult's Amazon, Google, and Facebook ad campaign management capabilities ensure that your campaigns perform well and that you are always on top of your game. You can even get a Smart Audit done periodically to check the overall performance of your account, which will allow you to get recommendations to enhance the performance of your account and score your account to measure the progress you have made till now.


How can Facebook and Google ads run simultaneously?
The best way to optimize your Facebook and Google ad strategies is to run the ads simultaneously. It will maximize your reach, and you will easily be able to notice its effectiveness. Some of the ways you can build your Facebook and Google ad strategies are:
  • Reach and Frequency

  • Appealing to Logic and Emotion

  • Retargeting

  • Extended Audiences

  • Conversion Tracking

  • Data Integration

What is the best Facebook ad strategy?
The best Facebook ad strategy is:
  • Make sure your Facebook ad copy relates to the visual you've created.

  • Be focused on the call to action.

  • The ad should hold some value and be to the point.

  • Use layman's language.

  • It should deliver some message or information.

  • Test your ad copy.

What are effective ways to run Google and Facebook ads for brands?
The effective ways through which you can run your Google and Facebook ads for Bran are:
  • Set your goals.

  • Be specific about the target audience.

  • Create appealing ads.

  • Define your budget.

  • Design your campaign.

  • Analyze and optimize.

  • focus on conversion.

  • Test your ad copy.

Written by
Published on
10 Oct 2023