How To Audit Your Facebook  Ad Account To Scale Your Business

E-commerce Advertising
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13 Dec 2023
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Published on
10 Oct 2023
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How To Audit Your Facebook  Ad Account To Scale Your Business

The ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing is bringing dynamism to mastering the ads accounts like Facebook and Google. In the past, crafting and executing advertising strategies seemed an easy task as with simple adjustments, you could run the same ads and get good profits. As today’s dynamic digital world is changing, we see rigorous evaluations are required to check what advertising strategies have worked, what has not, and what better could be done. It's akin to tending to a garden:

What worked yesterday may not yield the same blooms tomorrow! 

Therefore, auditing ad accounts is not merely a routine task rather has become very strategic in its approach. This process isn't just about ticking boxes; it's about understanding your ad account's in-depth review from results, audience, strategies, tools used, and growth potential. By conducting audits, you can gain insights into missed opportunities, and inefficiencies, and help optimize your campaigns with your advertising strategies. It also empowers you to refine targeting, ad messaging, and budget allocation, ensuring every campaign is finely tuned for success. 

Auditing your ad accounts, especially on platforms like Google and Facebook, is vital to ensuring optimal performance and maximum returns. In this blog, you will learn how to analyse your campaigns, advertising accounts, and reports to spot mistakes and areas for improvement- including the ones that are most frequently encountered by our E-commerce professionals.

Get your free Google and Facebook advertisement audit by requesting a proposal from our experts right now!

Know in-Depth Account Advertising Strategies

Account Overview: Tracking Campaigns, Ad Sets, and Ads

The account overview offers a bird’s-eye view of your campaigns, ad sets, and ads, allowing you to gauge performance at each level. You can easily assess the average number of ad sets per campaign and ads per ad set, providing insight into your account's structure and scalability potential. This comprehensive view simplifies optimization strategies by highlighting areas with high or low asset densities, guiding better resource allocation for maximum impact.

Ad account overview

Performance Funnel: Analyzing Key Metrics

The performance funnel delves into crucial metrics like impressions, click-through rate (CTR), clicks, cost-per-click (CPC), conversion rate, conversions, average order value (AOV), and more. It offers pre-calculated data on spent amounts and revenue, enabling swift assessment of your ad performance against investment. This breakdown empowers you to identify areas of strength and pinpoint inefficiencies, facilitating data-driven decision-making for impactful campaign adjustments.

Why is Reviewing your Facebook Ad Setup Significant?

Doing a Facebook ad account audit is significant, as you'll understand where you need to improve and make the necessary changes to it. The meta ads audit aims to bring out the areas where the business is lacking and improve them. Also, the results of your free Facebook ads audit will help you take the guesswork out of your Facebook campaigns and give you confidence in managing your paid social strategy.

Month-On-Month Performance Trend: Visualizing Deviations

Graphical representations of month-on-month trends illuminate deviations in critical metrics. Tracking impressions, clicks, amount spent, revenue, and other vital statistics over time offers a visual narrative of performance fluctuations. These trends reveal patterns and anomalies, providing insights into your campaign's health and helping you spot trends or pitfalls to address for sustained growth.

performance graph

Month-On-Month Performance Trend (Tabular Form): Detailed Performance Breakdown

The tabulated month-on-month performance breakdown offers a comprehensive overview of crucial metrics, including impressions, CPM, clicks, CPC, amount spent, conversion rate, purchases, AOV, revenue, return on ad spend (ROAS), and CPP. This detailed breakdown allows for a granular analysis of month-to-month performance variations, aiding in understanding performance shifts across multiple key metrics.

Top Performing Assets: Unveiling High Performers

Identifying the top-performing assets—be it campaigns, ad sets, or ads—is made simple with insights into the top five performers from the last 30 days. This snapshot highlights high-performing assets, enabling focused optimization efforts and replication of successful strategies for sustained performance gains.

Dashboard mockup

Shopping Behavior Analysis Over Different Timeframes

The shopping behavior analysis across various timeframes—yesterday, 3, 7, 14, and 30 days—unveils critical metrics like add-to-carts, checkouts initiated, and purchases. This breakdown offers a granular understanding of customer interactions and buying intent over different periods. By tracking these metrics, you gain insights into consumer behavior patterns, identifying trends in interest, consideration, and conversion phases. This information enables tailored strategies to optimize each stage of the customer journey for improved conversion rates and revenue growth.

Shopping behaviour analysis

Areas to be Focussed at the Time of Auditing.

Several areas need to be considered at the time of auditing. It varies from business to business what sort of metric they have planned to achieve, like your setup and your personal preferences. One can easily look out for these by evaluating these elements in Facebook Ads Manager or creating custom metrics in Databox. Some of the areas where an audit can be done are:

  • Cost-per-install

  • Outlier metrics

  • Costs versus conversion

  • Cost-per-result

  • Cost-per-click

  • Campaign goal

  • Facebook ad placement

  • Facebook Ads Report

  • Competitive landscape

  • Results attribution

  • Relevance score

Optimising Facebook Audience and Placement with a Strategic Audit

Budget Type Configuration: Graphical Breakdown for Clarity

In the last 30 days, the budget type configuration showcases the allocation between average daily and campaign budget optimization (ABO & CBO), delineating funds split between top-of-funnel (TOF) and retargeting (MOF + BOF) funnels. Presented in a graphical format, this breakdown simplifies understanding and decision-making, guiding budget distribution strategies for maximum impact across different funnel stages.

Budget Configuration

Narrowed Audiences and Maximizing ROI

Evaluating narrowed versus non-narrowed audiences, this analysis offers insights on maximizing return on investment (ROI). It details the number of ad sets narrowed with potential interest, provides recommendations for optimizing ROI, and reviews audience types used in the last 30 days. This comprehensive breakdown empowers informed audience targeting decisions to enhance campaign efficiency and effectiveness.

ad audience dashboard

Learning Stage Insights for Strategic Planning

Analyzing the number of ad sets, ads, and spending in the last 30 days across learning, learning limited, active, and other stages, this analysis highlights the most preferred active stage. This understanding assists in strategic planning, focusing efforts on ad sets and ads in the active stage for optimal performance improvements.

Ad overview

Placement Type Insights and UTM Usage

Discovering the number of ad sets, amount spent, and percentage of spent amounts for advantage and manual placements in the last 30 days, this analysis provides crucial insights into placement effectiveness. Additionally, it offers insights into UTM usage, aiding in understanding campaign tracking and effectiveness across placements.

Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Inspecting your Ad campaigns

Bid Strategy: Understanding Optimization Metrics

Explore bid strategy metrics like highest volume, bid cap, cost cap, ROAS goal, and highest value. Understanding these metrics aids in refining bidding strategies, ensuring optimal performance aligned with your advertising goals.

Dashboard mockup

Ad Format Data: Assessing Performance Variability

Examining different ad format types—static, dynamic, video, and others—based on the number of ads, amount spent, percentage of amount, revenue, and percentage of revenue, provides insights into ad performance variability across formats.

Dashboard mockup

Overall Account Ad Score: Holistic Performance Evaluation

Obtain an overall account ad score comprising quality, engagement, and conversion rate rankings. Accompanied by remarks, this assessment aids in understanding areas that require attention and improvement, guiding focused efforts for enhanced campaign performance and effectiveness.

Ad account score

FAQs :

1. What do you Mean by an Ad Account Audit?
An ad account audit refers to the collection of data and then analyzing it based on activities taking place, like the actions of users, changes taking place to user accounts, and receiving notifications regarding group policies. It also focuses on the other actions performed in the Active Directory environment.
2. How to Do a Facebook Ads Audit?
A Facebook ads audit can be done by understanding the objectives and diving deep into the metrics of the performance of the campaigns. To locate the metrics, one needs to consider the Facebook Ads Manager and can also look at key data like cost-per-click (CPC), reach, click-through rate (CTR), impressions, and conversion rate.
3. How can a Facebook Ad Account be Fixed?
A Facebook ad account can be fixed in simple steps; however, one needs to identify the problem and determine whether the account is inactive.
If the account is inactive, you can follow the below steps.
  • Locate the ad manager, click on it, and reactivate the account.

  • The Reactivate Account option will be present at the top of the page.

  • After that, read the agreement and proceed further with adding the source of payment.

  • Add the source of funding and move ahead.

  • If required, update your business information.

  • Save the details, and your steps are complete.

If the account is disabled, you can follow the below steps.
  • Identifying the reason for the account being disabled

  • Check for the payment being processed.

  • Look for the ads being rejected.

  • Look for the policies or any guidelines you skipped.

  • Are you guilty by association?

  • Try to reach out to the Facebook support team ASAP.

  • Contacting the Facebook support team.

  • Fill out the appeal form.

4. How can a Facebook Ad be Approved?
You can get it approved in a few easy steps:
  • Create an ad and submit it for approval. Adhere to the policies and guidelines.

  • Bots and manual reviewers audit Facebook ads.

  • After the review, either the ad will be approved or denied.

  • You'll be informed of the decision made. Once the ad is approved, it will go directly live.

Written by
Published on
10 Oct 2023